Acesso to SDK XOA

Hello everyone

I’m a developer at a printer solutions company. And our team will be implementing some applications for Printers carrying the XOA interface.

I would like to know the steps to get access to the XOA SDK to develop applications for compatible printers.

Thank you for your attention in advance

I think you need to open a developer support request they may have a lead on where to ask this.

Samsung Developer Relations

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I will open the request now

Hello! I would like to know how I can access the XOA SDK?

Hello, Matheus.
I believe it is no longer possible to obtain XOA.
Since I opened this ticket I haven’t gotten any support from Samsung on this, neither on this channel nor through other available channels.

It’s worth mentioning that HP, which now owns Samsung’s printer division, do not knows what to say about the XOA.
In short, it seems that XOA has been forgotten and kept under lock and key so that no one else has access (infortunately).

Good morning!
There is really little information about the XOA SDK. It is a shame. Anyway, thank you for your attention!

You’re welcome.

Let’s hope this one day changes and is released from the SDK for development. :crossed_fingers:t2: