Tizen app with access to proximity sensor

Hi all, I am a total newbie - before diving into smart tv tizen apps and install tizen studio etc., I would like to know if it is possible to access the proximity sensor of a smart tv (eg. Samsung The Frame 2020) from within a self written app… So far I could not find a definitive answer, except that of the API page: https://developer.samsung.com/smarttv/develop/api-references/tizen-web-device-api-references/systeminfo-api/getting-device-capabilities-using-systeminfo-api.html
= The platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the proximity sensor.

I am a bit confused because this info resides inside the “web device api” docs…?

Smart TV apps are Web apps. If you are you using .net to develop the web app you might need to check on https://github.com/xamarin/Xamarin.Forms for help on that.

Samsung Developer Program

Thanks for the quick reply Ron - I am a bit confused now… AFAIK is a web app not a native app (xamarin is a native app dev. framework … but you also mention in the beginning “smart tv apps are web apps”??) … apart from that, my main question was if one can access from a smart tv app the proximity sensor = is your answer “if one uses xamarin framework, then yes”, or is it accessible anyway, no matter what framework one decides to use?

Basically my answer is I don’t know enough about .net :slight_smile: I just know that you use Xamarin.forms in .net.

If you are doing it from Tizen Studio the only option is Web App.

Samsung Developer Program