Voice Mail Icon is Samsung Copyrighted Icon?! No

Hello Community,
since the last Days some of my old Icon pack are rejected due updating, because the Testers are find the Voicemail Icon is a coyprighted Icon.

This voicemail icon is not a Samsung icon because it exists on all smartphones from different brands. It is a international uniform icon for Voicemail. Why is it rejected? The icon can also be bought on all design marketplaces

Reason "Application contains copyrighted contents. # Voice Recorder (copy Voicemail)"

So what goes here wrong?

Best Alex

This Icon doesn’t exits on Samsung Devices.

Hi Alex,

It may be the color combination you are using with the icon. Intellectual Property is very weird and specific. I believe Samsung is checking WIPO for registered IP. You can ask what copyright it violates to make sure it isn’t an overzealous reviewer because it is similar to Motorola’s icon but the color is solid. Still it probably is copyrighted or registered somewhere.

Samsung Developer Relations

Thanks for Answer, but several Icons with different Colors are rejected, due only the Icon Symbol, doesn’t matter which color it used, the latest Reason says Application contains copyrighted contents. #Samsung Voice Recorder Dialpad (copy Voicemail)"

I think the testers were a bit overzealous.

Where to ask about what copyright it violates? Due the Premium Support?

HI Alex,

I think I’d deal directly with the Seller Portal 1:1 Enquiry since it was a copyright issue.

Samsung Developer Relations