Big difference between Sales and profits


My Sales between July 5th and July 31th is around 80$ but the financial report shows that I got only 36$ as profit for the month of July

So I’m wondering is it normal to have that big difference between the sales and the actual profit?
Or there is somthing wrong? I mean the difference is surpass 50%


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I also have some discrepancies between sales stats and financial report.

I know some payment types can be delayed for processing. But this months financial report doesn’t add up. Hopefully it gets corrected the following month.

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I just checked my email apparently they just count period from June/7 to July/22 … which is wired because June report counts till 19th of June…

But as you said maybe its incorrect for this time…hope its fixed next month

And thank you for your response and informations :slight_smile:

For all financial information please open a Seller Store Support 1:1 Enquiry

Besides the date differences between dates of a financial report and Sales Summary One is based on downloads and the Financial report is based on money received is recognized.

It may take up to three months before the payment amount is recognized as sales depending on the payment options, and because of this, the sales amount stated in the sales summary may not actually be recognized as your sales of the month.

A Watch seller reported here that GSS had an error where coupons were counted as sales and corrected later. I did not verify that as it seemed to have been corrected.

Again any question of finances should go to the Seller Portal one on one support.

Samsung Developer Relations

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Something isn’t right… in June my payout was 51% of sales and in July it was 44%.

I’ll wait and see if it corrects in August :frowning:

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Same problem, never happened before.

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Same here. About 50% drop. And I’m pretty sure coupons are not counting towards sales because this was fixed for me last month.

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