just trying to figure out a calculation that will provide consistent 2 decimal places?
My Distance calculation is :
which typically provides me with something like
what I would like is something more like
7.34 or 7.35
so some form of round/floor/…
My formula (crazy formula) for distance in kms:
It’s for 2 decimal places
My calculation in km with 2 decimal places
Yes, but I have still shows 2 decimals, you not. Example if you walk 2 km, your formula shows 2, my 2.00
September 24, 2021, 9:43pm
why do you put everywhere ([sc]*0.000726)*1000 instead of [sc]*0.726 ?
September 25, 2021, 12:28am
I’m with @Peter on this one. If you can simplify the math you should do it. Less operations.
thanks all for the information!