Is it possible to sync an Animation sequence to the Real Time Clock

I have made a 15 frame sequence of a Spring for a Tourbillon . I actually want it to sync the the seconds of the real time clock . I have looked at various number of frames and can not get the action in sync with the seconds . WFS says the Animations run at 15 FPS is this correct .
The reason I am using an animation as when I was zooming it to show it working it was off centring itself . It seems like it is very difficult to do Tourbillon stuff . Possibly why I don’t see so many . Possibly a good reason to carry on .
Thanks in advance for any Help .

I’ve tried this same… 1s. animation with 15fps as a second hand - nope it doesn’t work :confused:

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Probably redesigned your springs to be circle gears.
Then each gear use rotation with tag expression to simulation rotation of the gears

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Thanks for your replies Guys . Sorry about the delayed response . I am at GMT/UTC at the moment . I am going to try zooming it again and offset it X Y position with the same timer . For me the spring is the Heart of the Tourbillon , even if it is almost invisible .
This where I have got to right now if anyone wants to have a look.

I believe you want to trigger it every second if you are doing a gear movement.


Samsung Developer Relations

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Hey . Brilliant Ron . Where do I find that setting . I could set it by the second .
OK I have it thank you .

Sad to report None of those triggers will sync either of the Animation Types . On the WFS IDE or on my Watch . I will go back to my Fudge .
Thanks for your input as always Ron .

hi, i loaded your animation its has 16 frames in all. maybe do a animation that is divided by 15 exactly?
e.g 15 frames or 30 frames etc. see if that helps.

Hi, the example u showed seem fine to my eyes. Anything i should be looking for?

Your formula is more impressive then my.

Saying that if you want to see a frame at a certian point of them exactly to the clock, i think tag expressions the way to go. Either multiple layers with opacity (to much mem used)
Or just like you did… play around size, dimensions and position. Of the original image.

Since each frame of your spring is a variation of those parameters. Right?

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I tried the simple umbrella Sequence example with 15 frames with only one loop in WFS and it seemed run every second however there may have been a frame delay between the second changing and the animation start. You could probably remedy that by putting what was the last frame in the sequence as first and see if it appears to run correctly then


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@Knightwing Thanks for your input . Much appreciated . I am settling on the Zooming image technique . I spent far to much time on the sequence thing . It is only a bit of background detail . It is a bit of a fiddle if I change the Size a bit ,I have to adjust my Position Numbers . On another platform I work on the Image can be centred in a number of position s but the middle of the Image is a Good one . As I said to one of my Maker Buddies . Sometimes the Restrictions on a Platform Persuade you to be More creative .


Ron . Thank you very Much . I have tried 14 15 16 frames . I was hoping that the One second trigger might iron out the error . I have checked both types of animation on my watch . The Gif creator I us does not allow me to Use decimal points in the Frame Time so I can not hit 6.666666 1/100 . I am happy with the solution I have Fudged . I will ask while you are there . I am not half way through my Making but I am at 5mb file size . I believe the limit is 10MB. Thanks again .

The file size is not the quality limit. That is Runtime size and that is 10MB AOD and 100MB for normal and I heard that Play Store has improved their Runtime size Algorithm and apps that did fail for the size limit are approved now.

Good luck, and if fudging it works stick with it.


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Thank you Ron Good notes . If it works It works . I spent a lot of time in my career Making Effects for TV Advertising . Some times things did not work properly and they had still filmed it . Looking at the Print ( Rushes ) at lunch time they would say " Good Happy Accident ". In the days of Filming with Film at High Speed those Happy Accidents were quite Precious .