So pairing a watch to WFS always involves memorizing a port?

Here’s my process, which is so dumb there must be a better way, right?

  1. Turn on wifi on watch and turn off bluetooth

  2. Open developer options and turn on wireless debugging

  3. Memorize the port for debugging

  4. Pair with computer

  5. Enter memorized port, pairing code, and pairing port

Is there no place where all three of these things are on a single screen?

You just have to type what you see on screen…

First screen is ip:port type it before you switch to

Pair new device. And type accordingly.

No memorising involved.
Just how and steps u take to do it…

I nvr memorise.

My process

  1. Click run on device,

  2. Turn on wifi on watch and turn off bluetooth

  3. Open developer options and turn on wireless debugging

  4. View computer ip and port

  5. Enter on wfs screen thr computer ip and port

  6. Pair new device.

  7. Enter pairing code and port

Unless you using adb. Then memorising is needed

P.s and as for single screen display when u click pair
Its out of scope of wfs, u need to take it up with wear os/google

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