Support B2B and Web APIs for React App

We’re trying to build a React App to run on a Tizen-based Smart Display. Upto now we have used another IDE to develop the React App and the app works fine for our own flows.

Now we have a requirement where we need to include B2B and Web APIs from Tizen to our React App in order to access Printers, Device Info etc.

<script type='text/javascript' src='$B2BAPIS/b2bapis/b2bapis.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$WEBAPIS/webapis/webapis.js"></script>

We have added the above script imports to index.html. But since we were building the app in another IDE, the imports fail as they cannot resolve $B2BAPIS and $WEBAPIS placeholders.

Upon reaching a support agent we were informed that we’ll have to build the React App from Tizen Studio itself for the required APIs to work. But we couldn’t find any info on how to do this.

An example or a guide on this would be really helpful.

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I believe you will need to ask these questions on the Smart TV Seller Office Q&A There are several of various Q&A so find the best one. They prefer to do all developer support by that channel.

Hope that helps they try to answer promptly.

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