Visual Voicemail

HI I am hoping someone can tell me the " Package Id "
for the Visual Voicemail App that comes preinstalled on the Samsung S20 5G Telus carrier

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Is the app in the store? if so you can search for the App and share it with yourself. I believe that shares the Package ID. I don’t have S20 so I can’t check.

Samsung Developer Team

Thanks Ron but no its not in the Store it comes with the newest Telus update i have talked with Telus and they say its up to Samsung and i talk to Samsung and they say its up to Telus
i looked on Package Id app and it says " " but i cant get that name to work

any ideas would be great thanks

I don’t know how. I’m not an Android developer but don’t you want the AppID?

Samsung Developer Team

Yes i am far from a developer ha i have heard it called AppID Thanks Ron

What about Angular app, can it be useful here? The situation with the customers support is a very common for me. If something happens, it’s hard to find a help there. I would better count on myself. I did have Galaxy Note10 Lite a few years ago. There was a big problem with the voicemails. At first, I thought it would be difficult to solve and was searching for a help. One night, I was reading Reddit, and I saw one guy recommend this site. I followed all the steps described there, and my problem was fixed in a few minutes. Sometimes, it’s better to take control of the situation than searching for a help outside.