Hey guys,
I need a few more testers, 16 to be exact. If you want to help me sing up here → https://groups.google.com/g/ttdev-watchface/c/tMDt2Tpdlsc
Thanks a lot TT
Hey guys,
I need a few more testers, 16 to be exact. If you want to help me sing up here → https://groups.google.com/g/ttdev-watchface/c/tMDt2Tpdlsc
Thanks a lot TT
I think this site might help you find tester users. https://watchfacecodes.com/
I still need testers, come on, guys. This is Developer’s Forums for WearOS nobody have WearOS?
Just curious why other developers would help you put content on the Play Store just so there is more competition? What benefit do they get?
Just wondering…
I am not worried about other developers. We’re all making the same stuff anyway. lol
What we need is a communal web site/service for test ‘sharing’. A tester would get credits for testing others’ products, and would spend them when obtaining tests from others. Unfortunately, I can’t think of a way of preventing such a system being ‘gamed’. There are probably precedents.
I think new developers are going to have to sort this out amongst themselves and figure out a way to test each other’s watch faces. You can give away faces for free on FB or Reddit with a simple request for even a “like”, let alone a freakin review, and you won’t even get that. The “crowd” doesn’t care about our problems or what it means to get likes and reviews. They just want their free faces and off to the next one.
Also, it’s not out of the realm of possibility that Google could one day make this requirement (20 testers) on ALL developers past, present, and future and there wouldn’t be a damn thing we could do about it. I really worry about this to be honest.
I would be happy to be a tester but I am not interested in being inundated with requests once my email account gets out there. No one can guarantee that that won’t happen.
I think Google has already said that they intend to apply the 20-tester requirement to older accounts sometime (and that will affect me too). I’m already annoyed that I’ll have to take down my fitness-related app because I’m not eligible for an ‘organisation’ account.
@MergeLabs: Do you have any links to the FB and Reddit pages you mentioned?
I am referring to the many Wear OS/Samsung watch face groups in FB and Reddit where some developers have solicited for testers and most developers use these groups to promote their watch faces free and paid. I am just saying that that crowd of people who use these groups are only interested in free watch faces and not much else, so they are not very helpful in the slightest.
Hi. I tried to join but it won’t let me. Your link says ‘internal test’. Are you sure you selected the right one because you need to do a closed test to get published. Please let me know when I can join and test my watch face in return:
First join the google group at https://groups.google.com/g/testers-community (You don’t have to opt in for the e-mails)
Join the testing program here: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.watchfacestudio.classiccomplications
Choose a promotion code here, set it to ‘used’ and open the link next to it: Promotion Codes - Google Drive