Android 12 App links not working

I tried using the intent pattern for the same but still, the redirection to the app doesn’t happen doesn’t happen!
Chrome, Mozilla, edge, brave, etc… do seem to work but not Samsung internet.
Can you please provide support please?

<intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />

                <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />

                <data android:scheme="https" />
                <data android:host="" />
                <data android:pathPattern="/auth/callback.*" />


Welcome to the Samsung Developers Forums!

We are sorry to know that. Can you please create a support ticket here so we can address it better?

Samiul Hossain
Samsung Developers Forums

I have already done that. The ticket number is #47598.

Would be great if you could take a look at it at the earliest as the authentication stands interrupted due to this :frowning:!

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We have forwarded your issue to the Samsung Internet team. Please wait while they get back to us with your request.

Samiul Hossain
Samsung Developer Relations

There is a problem with the system. I have found out what it is. This might not just be with Samsung mobiles but rather with mobile devices running Android 13 and higher. We can navigate to the app’s settings and enable the supported web links in it. But this is not user-friendly, so we must follow the Android’s deep link article and implement it as such(assetslinks.json/ intent filters/ app’s compatibility). And worth mentioning it doesn’t work with wildcard links :frowning:

After few days of trial and error with Samsung mobiles, finally we managed to get the Android App Link works, basically you need to make sure your scheme/host defined in manifest file able to get auto verified.

Below is the manifest sample that works for us:

<intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
    <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/>
    <data android:scheme="https"/>
    <data android:host=""/>
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/>
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>

And some tips from our trial and errors:

  • use separate tag for android:scheme and android:host, do not use both value into a single tag
  • do not use wildcard (*) for host
  • do not use any path (android:path)
  • use android:autoVerify="true" on intent filter.
  • use only android:scheme="https", remove other non “https” scheme from this intent filter.
  • make sure assetlinks.json file for all the defined host is accessible (
  • make sure all fingerprints in assetlinks.json file is correct (use fingerprint from play console if your app is signed by play console integrity)

Before we got things right, we always see a warning on Google Play Console Deep Links page, but couldn’t identify what’s the problem. Now everything works good, and no more warning from Deep Links.

Hope it helps.


What I found is that it works fine with Chrome even if you have the path set. What doesn’t work for me is when Samsung Internet is the default browser so redirect is not taking the user back to the app. My device is A12 with Android 13 running the latest update.

Found the answer for Samsung Internet browser in here android - Samsung Internet not working with App Links? Are other browsers/devices also incompatible? - Stack Overflow. Basically turn on “Open links in other apps”. Any way to do it programmatically or tell user about it?

Make sure you’re implementing App Links correctly. Your intent filter:

  1. Must have android:autoVerify="true"
  2. Must have both android:scheme="http" and android:scheme="https"

Otherwise, on Android 12 and higher, your link will be treated as a web link (not an App Link) and always opened in the browser (source).

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