Blood pressure estimation function based on biosignal

현재 구현된 혈압 관련 함수 (헬스 커넥트 api)에 대한 질문 드립니다.

  1. 생체신호(ppg, ecg등) 기반 BP 측정 하는 함수 존재 여부
  2. (1번이 존재하지 않는 다면, ) 현재 구현 된 BP 관련 기능은 수동으로 외부 기기를 통해 측정된 BP 기입이 끝인지에 대한 여부


I have questions regarding the blood pressure (BP) functions currently implemented in the Health Connect API:

  1. Is there a function available to measure BP based on bio-signals such as PPG or ECG?
  2. If such a function does not exist, are the currently implemented BP-related features limited to manually entering BP values measured by external devices?

Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to your response.

You did not mention the device. I am assuming that you are using Galaxy watches running wear OS.
PPG or ECG data is only available with Samsung Health Sensor SDK.
You need partnership to access the SDK.

For partnership apply here: Samsung Health Sensor SDK | Samsung Developer

If you face any issues or confusion, please contact via Developer Support directly.
Shamima Nasrin
Samsung Developer Program team