Bluetooth crash and data corruption - Galaxy S20 FE and other SD 865 based devices

Hi oliver,
I can not access the link
If you think the issue should be solved by Samsung then you can report the issue to Samsung developer support officially. Please below information with the report-

  1. Issue reproduction step with demo video
  2. btsnoop and dumpstate log(both from the pixel and Samsung device)
  3. Expected result

Steps To Capture btSnoop & dumpsate Logs-

  1. Press *#9900# on the dialer.
  2. On USER Binary Go to Settings->About Device : Tap 7 times on Build Number to enable Developer Options
  3. Go to Settings->Developer Options->Bluetooth HCI snoop log -> Enable this check box
  4. Flight Mode > On / Off
  5. Press *#9900# on the dialer -> Change Debug Level Disabled/LOW to MID -> Reboot device
  6. REPRODUCE the issue scenario
  7. Then capture the logs.
    a) Press *#9900# on the dialer
    b) Click on “RUN DUMPSTATE/LOGCAT”
    c) It will start dumping the dumpstate.
    d) Once it complete, Click on the “COPY TO SDCARD(INCLUDE CP RAMPDUMP”.
    e) Dumpstate will be stored in the device storage.
  8. Attach the device to PC
  9. Get the logs from the device LOG folder and share it with us.(This LOG folder will contain both btsnoop & dumpstate log files)
    Note : From the log folder in device, please ensure that files ‘dumpstate…’ and ‘btsnoop…’ files are present.
