Creating a Trajectory using a 360 camera video without use of GPS, IMU, sensor, ROS or LIDAR

Creating a Trajectory using a 360 camera video without use of GPS, IMU, sensor, ROS or LIDAR

Input is a video, created using a 360 camera(Samsung Gear 360). I need to plot a trajectory (without the use of ground truth poses) as I move around in an indoor location(that is I need to know the camera locations and plot accordingly).

Firstly, camera calibration was done by capturing 21 pics of the chessboard, and by using OpenCV methods, camera matrix(3x3 matrix which includes fx,fy,cx,cy, and skew factor) was achieved which was then given input to a text file.

Have tried: Feature detection(ORB, SIFT, AKAZE…) and tracking (Flann and Brute Force) methods. It works well for a single space but fails if a video is of a multi-storey building. Tested on this multi-storey building:Flat_01 - YouTube and results obtained were: enter image description here

An example of camera motion estimation that is required:

Any help regarding on how to plot camera poses with the use of VSLAM Visual odometry or any other.

Thanks for your help in advance!

  • List item

I moved this to Mobile/Galaxy Accessory folder because I don’t know of any category that this fits here.

You might try XDA developers if you are using that. I really don’t know where else to look. StackOverflow didn’t seem to have anything and GitHub only had a few examples.

Hopefully someone will see this and have a solution.

Samsung Developer Relations