Distance calculation in Km

It is not reproduced for me with “(numberFormat(“0.00”,[SC]/1330))”. If you are using the same expression, It needs to be analyzed. Could you share a .wfs or .apk that can cause the same problem?

Hello. Sorry for the late reply. The mistake was my bitmap fonts. I had forgotten to add the dot. It works.

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To make the calculation for developers we can use simple alternatives. steps to km converter

Found this simpler solution for km/mi here on forum, not my work,
solved by GJL (thank you!)

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@masterboyhr As with all these things if the formula is not format protected it fails . I tried you formulas and made two new exactly the same one worked one did not .

(numberFormat("#.#",([SC]*0.000762))) km

(numberFormat("#.#",([SC]*0.0004735))) mi

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You are right. Letters have to be format protected. I didn’t know that. I don’t even know how to format protect text. Teach me if you can. Never had that problem. Crazy!
Sign: ] was wrongly formatted in km formula.

Your version works!

So if anyone is interested in formula, please copy it from the post above by russellcresser or enter formula for yourself.

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@masterboyhr I often forget to protect formulas . I know of two ways . Select the formula and press ctrl + E . and the shot of the above .
(numberFormat("#.#",([SC]*0.0004735))) mi

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Thank you. I’ll have to be careful about that.

I always use “unformatted text”. Up until now it was the way to go.

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Before not so long ago Windows Notepad was completely unformatted . I stored all my formulas in those . Not so these days . I also find if I try to do stuff quickly errors creep in .