There’s a post here that describes how to get WFS to accept a .WFS project file that’s been edited. I think I’ve found an easier way to append the required tail to the .zip file.
At Windows command line: copy /b +tail.bin /b dest.wfs
I don’t know about Mac OS, but maybe: cat tail.bin > dest.wfs
I haven’t tested what’s possible extensively, but it might be possible to copy parts of designs from one project to another by editing the respective honeyface.json files. If you attempt this, be very sure to paste valid complete JSON structures: a missing bracket can kill things. It’s also possible that one JSON component might refer to another one (eg, by name or target), so watch out for that.
honeyface.json is normally minified, but most decent text editors (eg, Visual Studio Code) can reformat it for you, making the hierarchical structure more readable.
It might even be possible to downgrade API requirements by removing code that doesn’t comply with the desired target. I haven’t looked into this. (130 Bytes)