I am trying to add an action from a package on my watchface. If I enter the command via adb it works. If I set the string in Watch Face Studio in Action/Tap/Open App/Custom/AppID the Playstore opens instantly.
For example the string via adb: adb shell am broadcast -a PACKAGE.NAME.ACTION_NAME. PACKAGE.NAME works and the action starts on the watch
If I set the string PACKAGE.NAME.ACTION_NAME. PACKAGE.NAME in AppID in Watch Face Studio, the play store app opens to look for an app ib the play store.
Could you please help me to solve this issue? Is there any special format I have to observe?
Hi erwin.strasser,
I faced similar issue before. I was not using correct app id. The app id from the watch app and the app on your phone are different. Try using the app id from your watch.
Let me know if that was causing the problem.
Imrul Anwar
As Imrul said, please check the app ID and try again. You can check this response: Action for tap STEPS - what App ID? - #32 by r.liechty_SDR for checking the app ID list.
I don’t use the phone because the watch is running in Samsung Knox Management system. The app ID is working. If I want to open the app, it’s not a problem. Just if I want to open an action inside this app, the play store opens on the watch.
Hi erwin.strasser,
can you specify which action are you trying to open?
As far as I know If you want to open a specific activity/action inside an app, the developers need to define an URI for that specific action. Otherwise, you shouldn’t be able to open that specific action (other than browsing to that action/activity).
thank you very much, I’ll check with our app developer on Monday