How to hide the top title bar?

How to hide the top of the bar in full screen mode ?

Thank you for participating in the Samsung Developer Forum. I saw that this was a bug in Tab 5 is that what you are using?

Sorry but this is not the correct forum for end product questions or concerns it is for DeX development. Because end user questions disrupt developer discussion this thread will be removed at some point but I’ll leave it open for a short time in case others have suggestions.

Samsung Developer Program

I‘m sorry I’m a developer.I tried the code in the dex development guide,but it failed to be true immersive because the header bar is not hiden.And my device is Tab S6

Thanks for the clarification, I’ll let your question stay in hopes that someone else has an answer.

Samsung Developer Program

Does anybody has answer for this guys? I am also looking for the same!

Hi Danergo,

I see a lot of discussion about this in Redit and Samsung Community and don’t see any fixes.

Samsung Developer Relations

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Do you mean the status bar?

Hi. I can see some apps like Youtube, Netflix which can hide the top bar in full screen DeX mode. But other apps cannot. I also tried to hide it for my own Android app which has video player also by following the guide to make full screen in the DeX developer page but the top bar could not be hidden. I am wondering why Netflix, Youtube app could do that? DeX developer give me some advices please. Thanks

I would suggest you ask this on Reddit there is a Samsung DeX forum there where it is more likely to get help.

Samsung Developer Relations