I Suppose your TemperatureModel.cs file looks like this.
using .....
using .....
namespace TizenApp.Model
class Class1
public void X()
Now You can access the function X() from the MainPage.xaml.cs by following way.
var Class1 = new TizenApp.Model.Class1();
Please let me know if this helps you.
you means that I have to replace the _0304(line 5) to TizenApp.Model??? And the class Class1
public void X() {}
} Or I just replace the TemperatureModel : BaseSensorModel (line 10) to Class1 ?
I think this project can not work.
Therefore, I found another sample code from ([edit: broken auto-link to https://github.com/Samsung/Tizen-CSharp-Samples/tree/master/Wearable/Sensors/src/Sensors/Pages) has been removed] ),
And I just download the whole project and open it by Visual Studio, and click Sensors.sln
And then run the project

And I want to write a another model about sleep, and I found that it is similar to HRMModel.cs / HRMPage.xaml / HRMPage.xaml.cs ,
there is a problem now, I don’t know the class name about sleepdata, is there any reference ? Thanks a lot.
by the way, I put the hole project on this website([edit: broken auto-link to https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JYk53jzWkwV0UXPCFlK1qen2cr-fMnDy?usp=sharing) has been removed])
the file name is Tizen-CSharp-Samples-master
Best regards,
spacelinkers via Samsung Developers Community Forums & Tech Support <samsung@discoursemail.com> 於 2021年3月15日 週一 下午7:28寫道:
Exclude both . xaml and . xaml . cs from your project (Right click files => exclude Visual studio should now import both files and ‘couple’ them!
Does Tizen .NET support an API for tracking REM sleep?