Some breakpoints don't hit even though they should

I have a weird issue in a Tizen.NET + Xamarin Forms app. I just created a basic app using Visual Studio wizard. It created a Program class with OnCreate and Main method and MainPage.xaml and MainPage.xaml.cs. If I put a breakpoint lets say in the Program.Main and start the app it stops at that breakpoint but if I put a breakpoint anywhere within the MainPage class it says it cannot load symbols and does not stop there. Does anybody know what’s going on and how to enable debugging forms?

hi, as I explained to you in the last question you asked, you are in the wrong section, this is the section for designers, the section for developer is this…

All right, I reposted my question there but frankly speaking that is confusing. There are 2 categories there: Galaxy Watch with the description "Galaxy watch Development, including the Tizen Wearables APIs and Tizen .NET APIs with the description “Please use the Tizen .NET APIs Category for discussion of but not limited to questions for and exchange of ideas with other developers. Also…”. Here it is just [Galaxy Watch]. To me [Galaxy Watch] description sounds exactly what’s needed. I’d say you might want to add clarity to one and another.


I think @r.liechty_SDR can help you find the part of the forum that helps you find answers

For the forum organization.
This is Galaxy Watch forum is just supposed to be a holding spot for the other three forums. But people post here and I don’t know what they are using so I allow it.

But YA is correct you probably will get a quicker answer in the forum. You may also want to ask this in a Xamarin Forms discussion board.

Samsung Developer Program