How to use webview in tizen web app?

i want to use webview in tizen web application. How can i use it?

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I don’t think you can use tizen web application in your Samsung Phone. Try opening it on chrome and do that online.

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I think you are stuck in somewhere between android browser customization. If that so you can follow this guide and if not you can check tizen web application system.

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Thanks for the reply…
Actually i am creating a web application for Samsung Smart TV, and i want to use html webview tag in my application and i want to open webpage in my html page not on the device browser.

Hi, in case anybody is wondering what Android system webview is you can visit this article on Android webview and get the basic idea.

I have summarized the whole process of using webview in Tizen app in following steps:

  • Initializing and Creating WebView.
  • Managing Web Page Loading,
  • Managing Cookie,
  • Executing JavaScript,
  • Finalizing WebView.

For further details on how to integrate webview with Tizen app, visit

I hope this helps.

Really thankful for the detailed information. I infact found the different way of using it.
Regards, Aos Tv

Even you can use chromecast to do this online. I dont have idea about Tizen app.

My issue was my website ( ) broken on webview, but i realized that is because my chrome was out of date…