I want know App Id of this picture

I want to use the function of this picture in WatchFaceStudio.
Does anyone know the App Id ? :sob: :sob:


See this topic

Also try running simple adb commands

adb connect 192.168.xxx.xxx:5555 (your watch IP address & enable debugging)
adb shell
pm list packages

Hope that helps
Samsung Developer Relations

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Iā€™ve already tried that, but I couldnā€™t find it. :disappointed:

My bad, I didnā€™t copy all the instructions from my cheat sheet

Using File manager copy the address where you installed adb. (copy the address from file manger using right click on the address bar)
Open a command prompt
navigate to the folder address
cd C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Programs\WatchFaceStudio\tools\window

adb is there.
