I want to know if the current display status is large or small (open or folded)

I want to know if the current display status is large or small (open or folded)

We uses Unreal Engine 4 and would like to construct ui layout in full-screen mode. (Disable layoutInDisplayCutoutMode)

So we need a separate ui configuration depending on the small display or the large display.

I’d like to know if the current display status is small or large.

And I want to know which event is active when small display large display is switched.

And is there any way to know if the smartphone status is a foldable smartphone?

Would you please check using onConfigurationChange and Aspect ratio?

Please check the blog https://program.developer.samsung.com/2019/04/05/seven-mistakes-to-avoid-when-developing-for-foldable-displays/