Hello, While working on moon phase,
I wanna ask you question related to moon phase.
below is the image I’m working on.
moon image is set as hour hand first and changed it to moon phase position.

with the resource below I want to rotate from left to right .
(which means from 9 to 3 direction.)
Should I set the degree for this? I thought it would be set automatically if I chose moon phase position.

+one more question,
I used to prepare 0~7 moon phase image for moon phase types in Tizen watch face.
Is it same way in Watch Face Studio?
Thank you in advance,
with the resource below I want to rotate from left to right .
(which means from 9 to 3 direction.)
Should I set the degree for this? I thought it would be set automatically if I chose moon phase position.
It will rotate automatically based on the actual position When Moon Position is the condition
to move from 9 to 3 change the rotation to CCW (counter clockwise)
I used to prepare 0~7 moon phase image for moon phase types in Tizen watch face.
Is it same way in Watch Face Studio?
Yes tag [MOON_TY] is 0 to 7 with slight differences the Moon Phase blog GWS tag tutorial will work just fine with WFS Tags.
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