Greetings! I’m having a heck of a time finding information on this, and was referred here to seek technical advice from those who know!
I’m purchasing 2 Galaxy S20+ and intend to get an SD card for use as expandable internal storage. Doing research on SD speed classes ( Speed Class | SD Association ) It looks like the best fit for the S20+ would be something with a V60 rating, but upon review of the “specs” it states “sequential read/write speeds up to 3,500/3,300 MB/s” which of course blows any sd class out of the water. I know sequential speeds are like highway MPG in cars, but still.
Does anyone know how much of an impact getting a V30 or V90 would be on write speeds when recording video at 4k? Or just in general? Are there any hard numbers on lag in milliseconds/seconds?
Does anyone have any data on bottlenecking when recording at high resolutions in terms of formatted internal storage cards?
Thank you in advance for any assistance or resources that might be shared!