RotaryFocusObject losing focus after opening a tool bar

I’m trying to use a IRotaryFocusable object along a ToolbarItems, But I’m having a hard time understanding the RotaryfocusObject. In the gif below, I show this situation where the BezelInteractionPage loses focus after opening a tool bar.


Here is the xaml of the main page, nothing has been changed in the code behind:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    RotaryFocusObject="{Reference slider}">

                Text="{x:Static res:AppResources.MainPageTitle}"
                HorizontalOptions="CenterAndExpand" />

                x:Name="slider" />

            Text="Test" />


Little problems like these tend to make me lose focus too!

How could I get the focus back on this slider?
Thank you

Hello @apo1605379890,

I am very sorry to hear about your issue. Based on the screen recording, this seems like the known issue Tizen.CircularUI #350.

I would like to request you to update your Tizen.Wearable.CircularUI, via the Nuget Package Manager, and try again. If your issue still persists, please comment on the existing issue or open a new issue on Github.

PS: If you find this answer helpful please press the “like” button so that others can find it more easily.

Best Regards,
Samsung Developer Program

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Thank you very much, updating the CircularUI to 1.5.2 fixed it!

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