Samsung s22 ultra need help

I’m trying my luck here since everwhere else I’m getting nowhere.

Someone I know got a S22 ultra from a sketchy place and asked me to help them sort the phone out but it seems that someone flashed the phone with s10 galaxy firmware. I tried to reflash it with the offical firmware but I can’t get to the download mode on would usually use. All the buttons shortcuts and usb shortcut even the adb command doesn’t get me there. all i have is factory mode in chinese which takes me to a bunch of phone tests. The other things i get are recovery mode which takes me to no command which i figured out how shortcut to get to the real screen which gave me the generic options so I pressed load bootloader and i get fastboot mode so now I don’t know how to fix this phone. every other forum just doesn’t answer me or know so i was hoping someone here would

Sorry, you won’t find help here, you could try samsung Member app.

This forum is for people who develop apps for Samsung’s products not end user questions, .

Good luck.