Sending control remote commands to tv using websocket and smartviewsdk

Hello there

I’m developing an Android app using smartview sdk, I went through the whole documentation (Samsung SmartView Android SDK) but there are a few questions remaining, would appreciate if someone can help with the following:

  1. Do I need an app to connect to a discovered service and send commands? I just need to send remote control commands but it seems like I need a cloud app or installed app to do that, documentation is not clear

  2. I have a tv on which my remote control already works, I’m using wifi direct and websocket, but I have another tv on which my remote control doesn’t work because the token is missing, even though both tvs have the same endpoints and accept the websocket connection on 8002, the problematic one is not sending the token when I first connect (unlike the working one, which sends the token when I first connect), how to get the token?

This is the response from the not working tv for the endpoint https://TV-IP:8002/api/v2/, which is similar to the working tv, same functions are available


“device”: {

"FrameTVSupport": "false",

"GamePadSupport": "true",

"ImeSyncedSupport": "true",

"OS": "Tizen",

"TokenAuthSupport": "true",

"VoiceSupport": "false",

"countryCode": "BR",

"description": "Samsung DTV RCR",

"developerIP": "",

"developerMode": "0",

"duid": "uuid:a8b13321-8b31-43b9-9f66-80fffadf9853",

"firmwareVersion": "Unknown",

"id": "uuid:a8b13321-8b31-43b9-9f66-80fffadf9853",

"ip": "",

"model": "17_KANTM_UHD_BASIC",

"modelName": "UN58MU6120",

"name": "[TV] Samsung 6 Series (58)",

"networkType": "wireless",

"resolution": "3840x2160",

"smartHubAgreement": "true",

"ssid": "00:31:92:75:71:b6",

"type": "Samsung SmartTV",

"udn": "uuid:a8b13321-8b31-43b9-9f66-80fffadf9853",

"wifiMac": "64:1C:B0:74:AD:EC"


“id”: “uuid:a8b13321-8b31-43b9-9f66-80fffadf9853”,

“isSupport”: “{"DMP_DRM_PLAYREADY":"false","DMP_DRM_WIDEVINE":"false","DMP_available":"true","EDEN_available":"true","FrameTVSupport":"false","ImeSyncedSupport":"true","TokenAuthSupport":"true","remote_available":"true","remote_fourDirections":"true","remote_touchPad":"true","remote_voiceControl":"false"}\n”,

“name”: “[TV] Samsung 6 Series (58)”,

“remote”: “1.0”,

“type”: “Samsung SmartTV”,

“uri”: “”,

“version”: “2.0.25”


I much appreciate for the assistance

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