Setting of the pkgconfig for update on KM24A kiosk


After developing an app for the KM24A, put the package online for a URL download. I got a new issue, the kiosk doesn’t make any updates of my app when the version changes.

Actually, my pkgconfig.xml looks like this :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<pkg name="myapp" type="Kiosk">

On the kiosk, there is an option to get the application information installed.
We can see :

  • Version refers to the packagever. (example: v202304250001 )
  • Last update refers to the modified from the server.
  • Storage the space that the app use.

So I try to change the value in the pkgconfig.xml




But anyway, the kiosk doesn’t seem to check for any updates.

If someone faces the same issue, I would like to know the process on the kiosk or in the package to allow the automatic update.

Kind regards,



I would suggest you go to the Business Support there is a link and a phone number to call on this page

Hope this helps

Samsung Developer Relations