[Test Mode] IAP error IS100009/9000/cxhKuNTZWp

I meet a problem when i use demo and purchase a consumable item.

  1. I have upload a apk
  2. I have add a new consumable item


The policy for IAP mode TEST has changed, you need to be registered as license tester to do the transaction:

In order to purchase an in-app items, testers must be registered as a License Tester in the seller’s Seller Portal profile. In this mode, licensed testers always get your in-app items for free. All other users see an error message if they try to purchase an in-app item.

Problem have solve, i wait a couple of minute after i add account to License Tests list .

Just for anyone else that might have this question, License Tester can be registered in Seller Portal under the Profile section.
