비트코인의 지갑 주소는 어떻게 받아오나요?

가이드상에는 비트코인 계열의 주소를 받는 방법이 없는데요. SDK를 사용하여 시드해쉬나 HDPath등으로 비트코인의 지갑 주소를 받아오는 방법이 있는지 알고싶습니다

Samsung Blockchain Keystore SDK does not support getHdPath API for Bitcoin. You can find that information in the this link in Get HD Path section.

If you want to generate address for Bitcoin you can use getAddressList API. Find the implementation here under Get a list of Addresses section. Add HdPath manually like the following code.

[edited] [use bitcoin(0) instead of ether(60)]



This hdpath of ether, I want btc address.
onSuccess method addressList parameter not match my btc address in Samsung blockchain wallet.

This is my test code :
ScwService.getInstance().getAddressList(object : ScwService.ScwGetAddressListCallback() {
override fun onSuccess(addressList: MutableList?) {
Log.d(“ScwService”, addressList.toString())

        override fun onFailure(errorCode: Int, errorMessage: String?) {
            Log.d("ScwService", errorMessage)
    }, arrayListOf("m/44'/0'/0'/0/0", "m/44'/0'/0'/0/1"))

It is not clear what is the issue form your statement. But onSuccess call back returns a List of strings, in your code you are returning a Mutable list. This may be case of your error.

    public void onSuccess(List<String> list) {
          Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Address: " + list.get(0));
          Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Address: " + list.get(1));

A list containing normal btc addresses is delivered. However, the delivered addresses do not match the btc address in the Samsung Blockchain Wallet installed on the test device.

I suppose the cause of this dissimilarity is the architecture of the Samsung Blockchain Wallet. You will receive the same address for the same seed and hdpath. Maybe they are using a different hdpath.