Watch Face Studio 1.5.7 (BETA)

Hello, new Watch Face Studio User here,
i don’t know if it is my incompetence or if it is a software issue…
Currently using a Watch 6 classic, updated to latest

I am experiencing some issues i would like to address

  1. whenever i try to create a light color back(for example a rolex dial), i get the aod warning of 15%(in version WFS 1.4.20) as well , how do others do it, i have seen dozens with light/white backgrounds…

  2. when i try to set a different aod, it changes the normal wf as well(in version WFS 1.4.20)(bug/feature?)

  3. when i set a complication it displays the icon even if chosen not to, doesn’t display the progress bar

  4. when i create a background with for example Photoshop and set it as background via image, it gets blurry, it also happens if i just use a random image

Might be more of me having issues but i can’t think of atm or haven’t discovered them.

Thank you in advance

Maybe you cannot use the blacklight effect on the aod mode. Switch to aod mode editor then made use of hide and create another suitable alternative.
And in normal mode hide the alternative

For question 2: that my experience only thing that makes a different is hide and unhiding of layers
But other properties are same in both modes.

Question 3
Depends on the complication
Some obey the design. E.g if i used circle complication with icon but hide the icon. I dont see the icon for some complication but others the icon appears. But if the complication default have a icon you need to create a complication place holder with icon then hide the icon. Its seems if complication dont match what you design it just output its default

Question 4:

Size of image? 450x450?

Can I get steps and heart rate data from SSHealth using Android Studio?

Thank you for answering

As of now i uninstalled the Beta and did a fresh install of current 1.4.20.

And to my surprise(actually not surprised)

  1. i apply a light background and if i delete it in AOD the first thing i do it only gets deleted in AOD but normal WF it stays(problem solved in 1.4.20, in beta it deletes both)

  2. related to 1.

  3. seems the beta is what it is called a Beta, 1.40.20 doesn’t(does what it should)

  4. well seems both beta and 1.40.20 have the scaling issue, kinda of a fix is to create a 480x480 pixel or larger and scale it down to 450 in the WF APP, which fixes the blurry almost, don’t look close and you won’t notice. If you create a 450x450 the pixel density stays the same > aka blurry

For some reason i can’t create a post, might as well ask here: When i create a complication, leave it empty and scale in size to like 40 or 60(example) then the text size is not applied but stays default when transferring to the Watch(Watch 6 classic)(changes the font size in WFS in both 1.40.2 and beta)
Any idea?

For question 1. Hmm i deleted aod image.both get deleted. U mean hide? I am using 1.4.20.

I nvr got blurry image. But i am using gw 5 pro. So not sure if its a bug on gw6 , or the original image.
Did you see the burry image on wfs or on the watch

450x450 crop ration 1.1 on gw5 photoshop image.
On my gw5 though

What complication are u trying to use? As i explain u need to use the correct complication type in wfs so that default wont be use.

E.g for me i wanted to use battery complication.
I tried range text/title. The font size wont change color also. So i tried icon and text. Then i was able to reflect font size and color

For question 3: i am using 1.4.20
No issues see my above answer

Sorry didnt realise u asking about beta (1.5.7). My experience are base on 1.4.20. Will test later with 1.5.7


  1. whenever i try to create a light color back(for example a rolex dial), i get the aod warning of 15%(in version WFS 1.4.20) as well , how do others do it, i have seen dozens with light/white backgrounds…

As @Knightwing said use two images one for normal and one for AOD hiding each one from the other. I think most of the light AOD ones

  1. when i try to set a different aod, it changes the normal wf as well(in version WFS 1.4.20)(bug/feature?)

When you add a component it is added to both AoD and Normal if you hover over the name in layers you will see an eye for hiding it in that particular mode

  1. when i set a complication it displays the icon even if chosen not to, doesn’t display the progress bar

If you look in complication settings for the complication slot there are several Value types in order of priority. If the one you set with WFS isn’t available The watch will used the next one. You can change priority by moving a value type up drag and drop it up or down.

You can turn on and off the Value types as well if you want a specific one.

Just remember this will lessen the options for that slot type

  1. when i create a background with for example Photoshop and set it as background via image, it gets blurry, it also happens if i just use a random image

Make sure it is a .png and not photoshop image.

Just remember the complication text, icon and such are only exemplars to help you visualize and see how they work in the preview window. This is not what will show on a watch that text and image is from the complication. If you change the font type or size you have to change it for every Value and value type or remove every other option.

Good luck there are a lot of people that can help you here.

Samsung Developer Relations

For the 1.5.7 Beta … the beta part is the Flip5 cover plugin. I think the Watch Face tools have bug fixes and improvements that justify using it over 1.4.20


My images was jpg seem to be ok also.

If using jpeg/jpg what your dpi? Or you save as normal size or large size…the megapixal resolutions


So i did a little testing…

Image is only blurry if used on Watch 6(i assume bigger screen), as i think Watch 6 is using 480 instead of 450, however it compensates better with png against using jpg.
Watch 5 the images are not blurry. Strangely in 1.4.20 that problem is not existent.
I tried images with standard 72 dpi/150dpi/300dpi where 300 dpi was the least blurry as expected.

Sorry if i was a bit confusing, yes deleting or disabling was a thought to speech blunder, however you can apply both, it just has to be the first action as of now.

The complication i am trying to use is G-Watch wear app.
The behavior is as so: If i use G-Watch and set it empty it will not accept font size changes, however if i set for example Battery and change later in the Samsung wear app it applies font size changes.
It does show font size changes in WFS.

The complication Progress Bar no show only happened in the Beta and only on the Watch, not in WFS. There is also a condition, if you choose a design with no progress bar and later decide you want a progress bar it will not show on the watch, only in WFS. So anytime you change the complication progress bar to no show or show it disables it on Watch transfer.( no problem in 1.40.20)

When you change the Font for a complication in WFS you are changing the fonts for only that particular Value Type. That exact same version of the value type may not be available for that complication.

That may be what is happening or it may be that G-Watch complication does not support changing fonts for some reason.

Samsung Developers Relation

Well i created the same complication in a different Watch face and font size is applied.

As you can see it shows font size 60 which also shows in WFS, however if transferred to the Watch it defaults to whatever size was before changing to 60.

On a different WF it shows correctly.

am i doing something wrong?


Is this a complication Slot or is this a text box that you are creating and is this a custom font or one supplied with WFS or Sync with Device option?

I can’t enlarge the images on ImgBB but I do understand what you are saying. I’m just wondering If I’m looking at this wrong when you say complication.


Yes different screen size… 450x450
Vs 480 x 480.

So best to have image at 480x 480 or larger

I just installed 1.5.7 beta and push to my gw5 pro…no issues with progress bar…

What complication are u using the progress bar for?

For the G-Watch Wear App i use “Line Complication”, here i get the Font size issue 20230905-130617 hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB(Beta and 1.40.20)

Not showing the Progress Bar is “Circle Complication”, here i get no Progress Bar in the Watch but in WFS it shows (Beta)

When i ask what complication u using for, i mean is it for battery , steps etc? Meaning progress of what tracker?

Also i think if you design without a progress bar. The complication will not miraculously create the progress bar.

Btw, your progress bar is circular or linar?

Circle complication progress bar works on my watch and using both version of wfs
Using gw5, (wear os 3.5) could it be wear 0s issue?

I use it for battery only. For steps i create manually using tags expression. And for the count i use a box complication.

Maybe try other complication types. Do by trial and error for your g wear. Maybe one with 2 lines…e.g title and text, like large box complication…

If all fails to change fonts then it could be like @ron says g wear app no option to change font or size.

I cant test with g wear app for u. As i dont have any glucose sensor

Hello watchface studio team, can you add Indonesian to the language options? Like other language options in WFS.

For the G-Watch Wear App i use “Line Complication”, here i get the Font size issue 20230905-130617 hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB (Beta and 1.40.20)
as i want to be able to change to like steps.

For Battery or Heart Rate i use Text and Tags like [HR] unless i want battery to show progress bar progress, which works.

However i have located the font size issue, not found out why though.
When i choose G-Watch Wear App the font stays at it’s default value!
If i for example choose steps with that very same complication, same settings etc the font changes as expected
Why? No idea Is it a G-Watch Wear app issue, no idea

Edit: I might add that i change the Value of the complication in Samsung Wear.

Ok the progress bar issue only has issues in the beta, in 1.40.20 it works as expected.
So i choose circle complication, lets say i choose battery as i want to see progress with the bar and text. In WFS beta it displays as intended and want…
When i transfer to the Watch the progress bar is gone, text % however works.
Why? No idea… I tried different combinations, text, no text, 75, 100… no dice

Probably its the g-watch wear app not supporting font change. Or it fixed hard coded not dependent on wfs design. Its seem its a third party app so dont conform to wfs standards.

Ok the progress bar issue only has issues in the beta, in 1.40.20 it works as expected.
So i choose circle complication, lets say i choose battery as i want to see progress with the bar and text. In WFS beta it displays as intended and want…
When i transfer to the Watch the progress bar is gone, text % however works.
Why? No idea… I tried different combinations, text, no text, 75, 100… no dice

Weird , have you tried in on gw 5?
Because i cant replicate your issue…i uninstall my 1
4.20. And install 1.5.7 and did the same.

But your issue not replicated.

P.s i used the value type range value, icon and text.
Left provider empty.


Done with beta

One tip open the wfs file created with 1.4.20 in beta and save its in another name. Then run as device. See if issue with progress bar happens?

I’m surprised it isn’t given the population of Indonesia. I’ll suggest it for sure.

Samsung Developer Relations

I’ve been waiting since the previous WFS. Hopefully in the next WFS it will be included. Thank You!