Weather forecast tags

Hi all.
Now trying to make forecast temperature with + sign. But as I understand tags TEM, COND_DAY, COND_NIGHT, TEM_LOW and TEM_HIGH are in string format, not numbers.
Am I right about the format of these tags and is it possible to make it look in the way I want?
By the way in WFS all tags are shown ok, but on watch it shows total crap


Could you please share a sample project with the tags you used.

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if i had to guess, it looks to me like a ttf issue. here’s what i would check
is the text box big enough, or the font size too big?
try another font, perhaps a default system font or a wfs font and see if it works better on the watch

(((forecastHours(2,“TEM”))>0) ? “+” : “”)(forecastHours(2,“TEM”))°(([WTHR_TEM_UNIT] == 1)? “C”: “F”)

Here is the code for 2 hours forecast, you can check it

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Fonts do not matter at all

Please create a support ticket with a sample wfs file where the issue occurs and a description.

matheus have you solved it?

This may be a dumb question but: what watch model you are using?
As far as I know new weather tags at the moment work only on Samsung 7 / Ultra.

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Add Google Pixel watch 3 to the list . :grinning:

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I tested it on Watch 7 and on Ultra.

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I’ve done basically the same thing you did, works on my watch (ultra).


I’ve used:





For the next day:

(forecastDays(1,“TEM_LOW”))° / (forecastDays(1,“TEM_HIGH”))°




Compare it with what you did. If it works on my watch it has to work on yours as well.


Please read carefully, what I wrote. Try to make + sign with this tag.

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Hi @masterboyhr i am unable to use degree after temp. Also i am unable to use weather icon. Can you please teach me with pic what to do to use degree and weather pic. Thanks.

Degree is super easy. Just add whatever you want after the tag in the text field.


This is formula/tag

and add
° or °C or °F or whatever you want
after the tag.



I’ve just made a guide for changing weather images:


Many thanks @masterboyhr


Good morning, I have learned a lot here, but I am still a beginner, can you provide the formula how to get the future days so that I can understand I tried in several ways but I still haven’t succeeded. Thanks

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Excuse me jumping in . I am not sure of @masterboyhr s Time zone .
This gives the forecast for Day 6 you have Condition Forecast for 1 to 6


You will see the list down at the bottom of the Tags List .

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As Russell says.

For future weather images use

with bitmap fonts


or if you want text weather condition “SUNNY”…
use (with Truetype font)
(forecastDays(1, "COND_DAY_NAME"))
