Another weather tags bug?

Something I’ve noticed just a moment ago:

In the watchface studio preview:

Wheather tags for temperatures today (temp, min/max temperature) auto changes from Celsius to Fahrenheit

but do NOT change (stay in Celsius) for next hour(s) and next day(s).
Ok, so the ones for future hours/days do not auto-change from C to F and vice versa:
(forecastHours(1, "TEM"))
(forecastDays(1, "TEM_LOW"))

Do we have another bug?
Has anyone notice that? Does it work for you??

WFS studio version 1.7.13


I can test that now my GW5 has been updated , I will have a look later .

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I am running Wear OS5 on my GW5 pro, I have made weather watch face with hours and days plus forecast, and I can confirm all works well for me. Also all units changes instantly as I change the temperature unit on the app. Talking about Samsung weather, which opens another question…what about non Samsung watches, does the weather works same for example if user has pixel watch and uses Google weather app? From this point looks like the new weather “complication” uses data from Samsung weather.

EDIT: I tested on emulator on Pixel and it works with google Weather app, though you need to change in the phones system settings language in order to change the temperature units.
Other thing I noticed on my Samsung watch, after midnight the next day forecast shows unknown icon and 0º, for next hour shows ok, so @masterboyhr you might be right here.


I have tested now, seems it’s working on my end for the weather forecastHours() and forecastDays().
Are you facing the issue on watch or WFS preview? If possible share a sample project to test.

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Try to set your phone next day and time after midnight, and see what happens for next day forecast.
Fot weather I use (forecastDays(1,“COND_DAY”))
And temp High/Low (forecastDays(1,“TEM_LOW”))°/(forecastDays(1,“TEM_HIGH”))°
They work before midnight

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Screenshot_20241210_012606_One UI Watch Home
This is what happens after 00:00
And this is before or in the morning

I guess I didn’t explain it well.

Problem is in the WFS preview.

Pic 1: temp is selected in C in the preview and is shown in C

Pic 2: temp is selected in F in the preview
and today’s temp changes to F
but tomorrow’s temp stays shown in C

I got it, and can confirm it works on the watch. But other issue apleared with weather update for next day

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That happens to me as well.
I have set “Do not disturb” on the watch from 11 PM to 6 AM.
When the watch wakes up at 6AM it takes 10-15 minutes to update weather for the next day. Shows 0.

Nice, thank you. I didn’t know if it works on the watch. So the error is only in the WFS preview.

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In my case updates till in the morning. Even if I simulate date and changing in the phone, the unknown appears right at the moment on the watch. I tested in emulator on pixel watch, and seems like it works there fine with google’s weather app. So not sure what happens here.

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My guess is that it waits for the next weather data sync. In my case cca 15 min.

Nope, not that…I was checking it till 2 in the morning, nothing changed. I checked the official Samsung wf and it works there, no issues

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Hm, interesting.

I’ve noticed it only in the morning after the watch wakes up.

I’ll take a look tonight, after midnight.

You can change date and time on the phone manually to test, no need to wait

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Unfortunately you are right.
Next day forecast tags stop working at midnight and start working in the morning (around 6-7 am).

So we have 3 bugs.

The problem is actually on the weather app, I noticed that the next day does not update there too ( watch app ) but no uknown weather, just still stays same day and updates in the morning. So I guess the tags are ok on WFS side.

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