Where do I find the camera lens ids for various Galaxy phones?

Hello, I’m making an app that has an unusual requirement: It needs to know the physical location of each camera lens that is available on the phone.

On most Galaxy phones, each lens can be accessed through the Camera2 API. Often, the phones will provide one LOGICAL camera for seamless switching between the lenses and PHYSICAL ids for accessing individual lens.

Knowing the IDs is half the challenge, as I also need to know which ID correspond to which lens on the physical phone.

*Is there any documentation for this? *

For example, given an S24 phone:

Top lens:

  • logiacal ID: 0
  • physical ID: 1

Center lens:

  • Logical ID: 0
  • Physical ID: 2

Bottom lens:

  • Logical ID: 0
  • Physical ID: 3


As far as I have seen Samsung does not provide the location of camera lens. As they do not offer any SDK for camera, you have to explore the Camera2 and CameraX SDKs.