Android 10 BLE issues

Hi. We have an mobile app that uses BLE to connect to a remote device that we manufacture. On Android 9 connections occur happily and without issue however since users have started moving to Android 10 we have been receiving complaints (from S10 users) that BLE is no longer working.

The issue appears to be that GATT connections start returning status 133 and the only way we have found to resolve this is to clear the cache and data of the Bluetooth system app. After clearing the system app BLE connections work again for some time but then the same problem re-occurs so it is only a temporary fix.

Its worth noting that once the phone is in this state other Bluetooth apps e.g. NRF connect are also unable to connect.

Our app already implements the common resolutions for status 133 issues e.g. specifying TRANSPORT_LE on the connectGatt call and as previously stated this was not an issue on Android 9.

Any advice would be appreciated.

You can contact with Samsung support describing your problem. Also attached the dumpstate/btsnoop log with the description.

N.B: Please find the guide below to get dumpstate log -

How to get dumpstate/btsnoop log
1.Settings > About device > click ‘Build number’ several times
2.Settings > Developer options > check the box for ‘Bluetooth HCI snoop log’
3.And then reproduce the issue
4.Right after reproduced > *#9900# on dialpad > run dumpstate/logcat > copy to sdcard
5.Please transfer the all files in Log directory

Thank you.

I am also facing the same issue, If you found any solution please let me know, Thanks in Advance <3

I had the same problem. Thanks resolved.