Auto-start android apps

hey guys, I have a problem when develop my apps for Android, my apps need for always run in background, because i need for receive notifications from FCM. but when i close apps from setting apps → and click force close my apps, my apps can’t autorun. what Samsung restrict auto start from 3rd party apps?

Thank’s All :pray:

Hello Prahastha

Since P-OS, Google has introduced battery-saving features such as app restrictions, adaptive batteries, and power-saving mode enhancements. 3rd party applications now can be restricted by a user or by OEM’s own app restrictions. Moreover, Google provides an API for checking the app’s App-Restriction state.
ActivityManager  |  Android Developers You can use Doze whitelisting to prevent killing the app. The app needs to get user approval for being “Doze-whitelisted”.
Optimize for Doze and App Standby  |  App quality  |  Android Developers