Galaxy Watch Sleeping Apps List

I spoke with an Android Wear representative and they said they have no API for battery optimizations on Android wear (specifically “Neither the ACTION_REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS nor the “App battery usage” setting exists on Wear.”). But I noticed after installing my app it was automatically put into the “Sleeping Apps” list in the battery settings which I had to manually remove from it in order to get the app working normally.

Is there a way to request to not be added to this list? Android Wear doesn’t support this feature natively, so I can only assume this must be an OEM feature.

I am not sure that there is any way to exclude the app from battery optimization. Because watch is very sensitive for its battery consumption. It can hamper the user experience if it’s open for all 3rd party applications. If all the applications request for exclude them from the list, think, it might be a disaster! Then everyone will blame that Samsung watches are not good for battery. Normal user will not understand that it is happening for 3rd party app not watch build quality.
So in my opinion it should not open for all.


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