IF I need to use AM PM as images similar to (Day of the week)…
AM shows when it’s AM and PM fades.
PM shows when it’s PM and AM fades.
What is the code in the TextField please?
Thank you
IF I need to use AM PM as images similar to (Day of the week)…
AM shows when it’s AM and PM fades.
PM shows when it’s PM and AM fades.
What is the code in the TextField please?
Thank you
Do you want it to actually fade or would you be happy with it switching .
You can put a formula in the Opacity Tags box after zeroing the default . It will be something like .
(([AMPM] )==AM)?100:0
for morning
(([AMPM] )==PM)?100:0
for afternoon .
But without testing it . I might have == instead of = and too many ( ) . My memory is not my finest asset these days .
If you want the two images to cross fade you will have to give some Idea of the Period . We have a issue with short period smooth moves . But let us know and we will help you sort something out .
We could also use [IS_AFTERNOON] which returns 0 or 1.
Thank you Russelcresser.
I don’t know what you are referring to… with your codes Examples.
is it an image or else… it didn’t work with me… sorry…
I’m referring to these pictures, I uploaded it…
when it’s morning it switches to AM PICTURE. NO FADE…
when it’s afternoon it switches to PM PICTURE… NO FADE…
SWITCHING FROM IMAGE(1) TO IMAGE(2). That’s all based on the time afternoon or morning.
For some reason it’s working in the Watch face studio testing section when I play with the time, but not inside my Samsung watch 6!
it seems like there is a problem in the watch 6 needs to be update it…
I tried 2 different random pictures, one for morning and one for afternoon.
they DO WORK in the watch face studio software when I do the test.
but it doesn’t work on my Samsung watch6.
the 2 pictures doesn’t show at all. ONLY BLACK colour.
THANK YOU so much…
Some times the syntax on the watch is a bit picky . We did something the other day and it indeed working fine . It is about putting some () in the right pace . Post your formula here or show us you WFS file . Just add .ZIP to a copy of your file and post it here , we can have a look .
Im only just adding the normal formula.
that’s all. For the 2 images I have.
The 2 images I have them inside the Bitmap fonts.
Thank you
AM PM.wfs.zip (169.1 KB)
I can not possibly imagine why you are using a bit mapped font for this gadget . you coud use text or images . Bitmapped fonts can be problematic . I think there are some posts on that on here about that .
I could not open your WFS . I am on 1.7.9 .
Well. I used Bimap fonts because it does work with me for the (Day of the week). So I choose it for AM PM to see if it does work.
here is the file again.
just rename it to wfs file pls.
AM PM.zip (169.9 KB)
Just remember , it’s working on Watch Face Studio, but not on Samsung Watch 6.!
thank you Russel…
Got your WIP this time . Sadly it does not work on my GW5Pro . It is definatly PM here . Sorry to say but I think the strategy is Flawed . Ther are much easier ways of doing that . Bur well do making the Font elements . I know many use that trick . Are the Image files Large . Pixel size I mean .
When you make tests like that show the time for refrence .
I think the issue is that AMPM returns a string . I tried everything I know works fine on WFS but not on my watch .
Try this .
Thank you Russellcresser…
Your ideas are better than mine.
But I thought mine will eventually works. Its a simple idea like the Day of the week.
Anyways. Your idea worked fine.
Thank you again. Really I do appreciated.
It is a Pleasure to help . Obviously you could use that formula to exchange your BMP as image layers . I was just tryingto do something Quick . It is a great Privilidge to help someone . It is about passing on the Help I have been given .
It is because output of [AMPM]
tag in the watch device not always shows AM or PM, sometime a.m. or p.m. It depends on the watch device and also device language.
You can put opacity for AM:
For PM:
Thank you . I did wonder . I think that is why they gave us [IS_AFTERNOON] I offered @lebanoncedars a test with that on its own .
Low I don’t know if it works with 12 hours . I always use 24 hrs on my Phone and Watch .
Thank you ZNW…
I will try it out later on…
Thnx again.
I think it has to be 24.
I tried it before idk.
12 hours means less time isn’t! It won’t work.
Thnx anyway.
I am surprised . Afternoon is afternoon 12 or 24 hrs clock . I will check tomorrow . In Bed right now .
Can you be able to provide an example zip file please?
Thank you ZNW…
ampm.zip (183.3 KB)
Don’t forget to rename .zip to .wfs
Very Good . I am very glad you did not use the time line . I hate that . I will always prefer to get it working with TAG . Thank you for that .
Wow it’s working… Thank you ZNW… SO MUCH.
A question!
Why do you need 24H picture? and it’s empty? no picture!
if it does work without it!
thank you