BLE - Scanning in Android 10 & 11


Not able to scan the BLE devices in Android version 10 & 11 .
Samsung phone - M10 S and Samsung Galaxy etc
It is working on Android 12 and 13

Scanning is working on other phones (OPPO , Realme ) with Android 10 & 11.

Kindly need support to work on Samsung phones.

Did you set all the location permissions properly? It is the most common source of not being able to find BLE devices in scans. Check Bluetooth permissions | Android Developers


Even settings Location permissions properly on latest Android versions is not possible to correctly do Ble scan for when the screen is off or the app is in the background (unless BackGround Access Location permission is not correctly set) for Samsung Devices

I push up this topic in order to wake up someone “on the samsung kingdom” to look at the problem because it’s not possibile to acquire wake locks to run background jobs.
Any other brand using Android do not blocks apps when consuming battery power and i tested it using same application, so what’s “the problem” ? and what can be the solution ?

Hello iotrondev,

Welcome to the Samsung Developers Forum

It is not possible to initiate an unfiltered scan when the screen is off.
Please use a scan filter if it is necessary to initiate a scan when the device screen is turned off.

Best Regards,
Samsung Developer Relations.