In the last month we’re getting reports that downloads on our page aren’t working.
It’s a react app. and in it we build some reports on the client side and then download the file using the file-saver library (
Since it’s a very popular library and uses the most common ways to download a client side generated file, I find it surprising that it gets blocked.
This affects a lot of your users.
Is this expected behaviour? What can we do in this case to get the file to the user, other than rewriting the whole report generation to the backend?
Samsung Internet blocks automatic downloads by default to prevent malicious downloads that can harm end-users. Hence the file-saver library’s automatic download was blocked.
You can request your users to disable Block automatic downloads by going to Samsung Internet Settings > Sites and Downloads > Toggle to disable Block automatic downloads . After turning off Block automatic downloads your report auto-download feature should begin working.
PS: If you think this answer solved your problem please press the “like” button so that others can find it more easily.
Best Regards,
Shuvo Saha
Samsung Developer Program