Total newbie here with watch face studio (and any sort of watch face designing). I don’t quite understand how do you add calories since a tag can’t be used. I heard someone saying putting in a complication for calories but can someone explain it further or any link to documentation? thanks!
Calories is not supported on Wear OS Powered by Samsung.
Except for Step Count Samsung Health is not supported because it has not made its API Public but will make more public. It was possible in GWS because we had access to private API’s.
Older Wear OS watch faces had access to more Samsung Health complications and that may be what you read but those haven’t been updated to Wear OS Powered by Samsung yet.
So Samsung decided “lets make an application for watchfaces, so peaople can create their own… BUT dont give them options to use the usefull things of the app”
Smart job, thank you
The philosophy of Wear OS is to have a single User Experience and to do that they use customization of the complications. Small Image and Monochromatic Image complications will allow the user to select the health complications.
Because of recent GDPR regulations how data is used, stored and shared. With the Tizen OS watches that was only on Samsung smart watches and we could include a private API for Heath data tags and fulfill the requirements for data. This is not possible with Wear OS Powered by Samsung which is on multiple watch brands.
I believe the WFS team and Health team are aware of the desire for health tags.
I hope this helps explain it to your satisfaction.
Yes you are correct, I was addressing Samsung Health active burnt calories. Other watch faces are for the most part controlled by a companion phone app or are created using Android Studio where the developer can create it’s own algorithm for storing a global calorie value.
Samsung Health has a complication that exports the Active Calories burnt but do not export the raw data. Wear OS Health Services does allow programmers to do this.
By the way there is no way to report calories burnt only active calories because everyone’s metabolism is different.
I had the opportunity to compare AndroidManifest.xml from the pre-release GW4 S Health app (working all health related complications) and the current version of S Health…
There is only one difference.
Current version of S Health is missing SHORT_TEXT, LONG_TEXT in supported complication types.
I don’t know why steps info is not considered as “sensitive” while heart rate measurement or stress is.
Steps count is not private but I believe that EKG and other Health Algorithms are. Heart rate and steps are part of Wear Health Services. The only issue with steps is setting the goal. I’m waiting for the next release of WFS to see what things are improved.
OK. So the upshot of this is I cannot track calories burned like I could on GWS. I assume its in SHealth so I can access that and see. But can I do that on the watch? I’m looking for some way to track calories burned in a day on the watch as a function of managing my workout.
Since this thread started there have been major changes in Wear OS health. Health Platform has been deprecated and Wear3 and Wear 4 now use Health Connect to share health and fitness data. Samsung Watches would have Samsung Health and other Watches would have access to Google Health or a 3rd party health. If you are using Android Studio to develop your mobile app you can request access to Health Connect.
I do not know the status but I am hoping that after Wear 4 is released and an updated Samsung Health more data will be available as Tags in WFS.
By the way only burn calories during active time are counted. It is virtually impossible to count all calories as every persons metabolism is different. Also a step count calories burnt would not be the same as a health app reports so be careful of reporting that number.
The Health Services does have Basal Rate and active calories included.
So what the calorie function reflects is what I’ve burnt during an exercise period, such as swimming? If so that’s great because that’s what I’m looking to track.
This is an estimate of the calories you have expended at rest and while making steps only. The first constant (0.04347823) is the amount of calories you burn per step. This is calculated from active calories (taken from a health app) divided by the number of steps taken at that time. Assumes of course that all activity was only steps.
The second constant (1.1808) is the number of calories you burn at rest per minute. This is obtained by using the Benedict Formula to calculate the number of calories you burn at rest during a day for your weight, height, and age, and then dividing this number by the number of minutes in a 24 hour period, e.g., 1,440. This part is therefore a function of time only.