Hi everyone,
I am newbie here. I intend to develop a companion project with 2 parts:
- Gear app with Tizen Web sdk 5.5 (Provider).
- Android app to send data to the gear app (Consomer).
I’ve read so many documentations about companion app from Samsung community as well as Samsung official documentation but I could not connect my gear emulator with my real smartphone device as the documentation mentioned.
I already downloaded the accessory sdk 2.6.1 which includes samples of companion apps. I can run successfully the sample Provider watch app on the tizen emulator, I can also run successfully the Consumer android app on my real device. No errors, no bugs. But they cannot connected to each other. When I click connect button on the Consumer android app, it shows the error:
I’ve followed the documentation about a tool called:
Emulator for Samsung Accessory
Step 1: Install the apk file provided in sdk 2.6.1 Samsung accessory servcie v3.1.82.80406_Emul. On package manager: All 5.5 SDKs are installed. SDK is installed. Samsung wearable extension is also installed.
Step 2: Connect my smartphone with my PC via USB cable. Developer mode turned on.
Step 3: Run adb -d forward tcp:8230 tcp:8230.
It shows no error so I resume that it’s OK .
Step 4: Run the Samsung accessory service app on my smartphone. It shows “disconnected”
Step 5: Open Tizen emulator manager on my PC, create a new 5.5 virtual machine (all default settings) and launch it.
Step 6: Samsung accessory service app still shows: “Disconnected”. In fact, It always shows disconnected.
Step 7: Clear the app storage on my smartphone and retry the above steps many many times without success.
Step 8: OK I ignore that tool. I still try to run my Consumer android app (sample app) and my Provider watch app (sample app). They show up perfectly on my watch emulator and my real smartphone device. But when I click on connect button, it shows:
Step 9: I check my Watch emulator and see a strange thing (not sure):
As you can see that it shows " Standalone SDK ". Meanwhile what I want to work on is " Companion SDK ", why is it Standalone SDK here? How to change it?
Step 10: Check accessoryservices.xml on android and watch they match the ID, name,… Surely they match because they are sample apps from Samsung.
As far as I understand, the Emulator for Accessory Service app doesn’t require any tizen or android project to be run. It only requires a connected smartphone and a tizen emulator. Is it correct?
Sorry for a long explanation. I’ve spent 3 days to make the watch emulator connect with real smartphone device but no luck. I really appreciate your help.
Thank you!