An error occurred while running bundletool build-apks on your uploaded App Bundle. Ensure that your App Bundle is valid by running bundletool build-apks locally and try again. Learn more. Error: Watch face base module cannot have any components and can only have resources.
I suspect it is something to do with the minSdkVersion of the build, I should be aiming at API 33, I think. But again, there is no option to manually set this in WatchFaceStudio.
Turn off protection mode in Automatic Integrity Protection before uploading your .aab file.
If your watch face using complication then just change the default provider of complication settings to heart rate. It will automatically set min SDK 34. Or you can also add complication with range value only to get min SDK 33.
It was uploaded successfully for internal testing… When we publish it for closed testing, they said to change the version. after changing the version, it is giving this message
“This APK or bundle requires the Wear OS system feature To publish this release on the current track, remove this artifact.”
It is also saying that android: name=“” is missing…
How to get rid of this…I will really appreciate your help on this.