Circular progress bar background not shown in 1.7.13

Hi there!
I have a circular progress bar that shows the heart rate and changes colour according to HR values: in WatchFaceStudio_1.6.10 all is fine, but the same project in 1.7.13 “loses” the background (it is set to 30%) when uploaded to my Galaxy Watch 6 classic; it is correctly shown in the preview screen of WatchFaceStudio_1.7.13, but then it is like the background is set to 0% when uploaded to the watch!
The problem seems to be the following tag ([HR]<80?0:([HR]>119?0:100)) from the colour transparency; backgrounds when no tags are involved are correctly shown…

I’ve included some screenshots

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I made a second circular bar as a background with the desired transparency for each of the HR stages

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An alternate approach is to use the Color Sweep in the progress bar

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