Coloured Heartbeat

Can someone please explain me, how I can display the heartbeat in colour on my watchface made with Watch Face Studio.

The plan is to display:

  • 0-70 bpm in green
  • 70-100 bpm in yellow
  • more than 100 bpm in red

Will this be possible ?

Thanks in advance.

You use 3 identical images one in green one in yellow and one in red.
for the opacity of each one use Tags based on [HR] to show and hide them

There is an example of Ternary operations using Battery percent [BATT_PER] HERE just change that the [HR]

Hope this helps if not let us know where you are stuck. I can create one for you but it is better to understand this yourself.

Samsung Developer Relations

Hi Ron,

thanks for your feedback.

I tried the follwing 3 steps:

[HR] <70? 1: 0
([HR] >= 70) * ([HR] <100? 1: 0
[HR] >= 100? 1: 0

But it doesn’t work. Can you explain me, where will be my mistake and give me the corrected formula ?

Thanks in advance.

Kind Regards,

[HR] <70? 1: 0
([HR] >= 70) * ([HR] <100? 1: 0
[HR] >= 100? 1: 0

You are returning the value of 1 or 0 not true false

Start with 0 opacity for 3 overlapping identical images and for opacity
[HR] <70? 100: 0
( ([HR] >= 70) * ([HR] <100) ) ? 100 : 0
[HR] >= 100 ? 100 : 0

Samsung Developer Relations

Hi Ron,

thank you very much, but I’m not able, to bring it in my watchface, as I want.

What is wrong, I made it acc. your post ?

Can you please check and give me the update form ?


Start with each image’s opacity as zero
[HR] >= 100? 1: 0

[HR] >= 100 ? 100 : 0

If the tag is mis-formed it will return zero so make sure you don’t have some other character by mistake

My plan was to display the heartbeat in various colours in Watch Face Studio:

0-70 bpm in green

70-100 bpm in yellow

More than 100 bpm in red

Thanks to Ron, it took a little time for me, but I found the working-solution :blush:


([HR] <70? [HR] : “”)


( ([HR] >= 70) * ([HR] <100) ) ? 100 : 0


([HR] >= 100 ? [HR] : “”)

Here is the result:
