Confused for Complication slot text color

hi, I don’t know this is a bug or my misunderstanding…
when I insert a Small Box Complication, select Text or Title on the left pannel, then COLOR on the right pannel, I set a color in HEX format like #ff0000ff, then I checked ‘Apply Theme Color’ and select 2nd color, for my expected, the text color should use theme color, but in watch face preview, the text color is ‘#ff0000’, and aslo on the my wear os watch. I don’t know why and thank you for your help.

this happened on Watch Face Studio v1.7.9 beta and 1.6.10

Have you tried to set the text color to white (#ffffff) and then apply the Theme color?


it’s worked, you help me to solved this preblem, Thank you!
@Samsung, no tips for this is confused for beginner for this software.

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