January 20, 2025, 6:25pm
Would you describe more in detail how many/or all days of week you want to display and how should they look like?
I don’t know what exactly you try to do, maybe it is already possible, you just did not discover it yet. Check these topics:
You will make text field with tag [DAY_WEEK], it will return number of the day in week (1-7)
Then check the tick to activate bitmap font (I think link to the bitmap font tutorial was in your other thread).
Then assign prepared image of the whole strip of letters (this you have to make in graphic tool like photoshop, gimp or even MS powerpoint is good option for such simple images) to according letter.
Something like this for each digit from 1 to 7:
Hello, you can use bitmap font, like already mentioned before - check this thread: How is it possible in watch face studio to make week days function?
Or you can play with text opacity like we discussed here: Opacity vs day
Or you can use use mask for that.
Lets have one violet text SU MO TU WE TH FR SA (best evenly spaced using monotype font)
make a white duplicate of it above the violet one.
place rectangle, that could cover just one of the days abbreviations, right in front of …
is it possible to show only the first letter of DayOfTheWeek (M for Monday) ?
Unfortunately WFS does not provide any easy way to make whole week days abbreviations localized.
If one language at time is OK for you, check attached example. Dont extract, just rename from .zip to .wfs
Day – kó (170.9 KB)
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