Editing UIs in Tizen Studio


My team are brand new to the Tizensphere, so we’re a little lost on how everything runs. We have a decently okay grasp of the processes, but the one thing we’re confused is the process of editing the UI for Tizen apps. We’re working on front-facing display and control panels, so the UI step is important to use. We’re used to working with XCode’s Storyboard UI for iOS apps, and Android Studio’s UI editors for Android apps, so we expected something similar would be present for Tizen studio.

From what I’ve dug through, it seems that a UI builder was once present for Tizen studio, but was removed for later versions? Is there still an option for a GUI editor somewhere or are we looking towards going fully by code and then running it on an emulator everytime we want to see changes?


I put this in the Galaxy Watch for Tizen → Tizen Studio forum I’m not sure what application you are working on. You probably should ask this on a Tizen.org forum.

My only thought is did you try Visual Studio for Tizen tools?

Samsung Developer Relations

Thank you for the reply.

I was looking around Tizen.org and didn’t find a link to their forums, hence I ended up prodding over here instead. Didn’t notice the developer subdomain where the forums actually was. I’ll throw the question over there.


EDIT: Jeez, they’re pretty heavily spammed by bots over there…

Try this in GitHub Tizen Emulator
