How do I get the location (lat and long) on webapp?
Ps.: navigator.geolocation throws error… and I didnt find any doc about the GPS itself…
Thank you for your time!
How do I get the location (lat and long) on webapp?
Ps.: navigator.geolocation throws error… and I didnt find any doc about the GPS itself…
Thank you for your time!
Actually, it not works for me too. I have tried to ask permission too. below is the code for ask location permissions. it enabled but still gives me a location unavailable error.
You need to add the below privilege to the config file using the privileges tab first.
Then handle your permission ask flow as below.
// use to ask permission for the location
function findLocation(askPermission) {
var permisson_status = tizen.ppm.checkPermission("");
if (askPermission && permisson_status === 'PPM_ASK') {
tizen.ppm.requestPermission("", function(e) {
if (e === 'PPM_DENY_ONCE') {
} else if (e === 'PPM_ALLOW_FOREVER') {
return callGeoLocationService();
} else if (permisson_status === 'PPM_ALLOW') {
// call geolocation service
function callGeoLocationService() {
if (navigator.geolocation) {
locationSuccessCallback, locationErrorCallback,{enableHighAccuracy: true,maximumAge: 0,timeout: 10000}
} else {
console.log('Geolocation is not supported.');
// when process success
function locationSuccessCallback(position) {
// when process error
function locationErrorCallback(error) {
switch (error.code) {
console.log('User denied the request for Geolocation.');
console.log('Location information is unavailable.');
case error.TIMEOUT:
console.log('The request to get user location timed out.');
case error.UNKNOWN_ERROR:
console.log('An unknown error occurred.');
but unfortunately, my issue was not resolved to enable permissions too. and then I tried to manually enable location permissions from watch settings. not success. hope you will find an answer!
Hello, I already solved this problem using the tizen “healthinfo” API.
Thank you!
can you please provide a link of it?
Thank you very much for the support!
You can use Tizen Human Activity Monitor (HAM) API or W3C Geolocation API
For both cases, please make sure location privilege is added on config.xml.